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I'm on a Podcast! (Craft Talkin')...

I was recently contacted by Jamie Chalmers (AKA Mr X Stitch) and Merion Willis, who run the Craft Talkin' podcast, to see if I'd like to appear on there as a guest and talk abut my new book 'My Cross Stitch Doll'... so I said yes!

Although I've appeared in YouTube videos talking about my work, this is my first time on a podcast, so I was a bit nervous!

So what did we talk about exactly? Well, you'll have to tune in to find out!

But, of course we discussed my new book - which came out a couple of months ago, So listen in if you'd like to hear more abut how I go about designing cross stitch patterns for a book.

Jamie and Merion were very easy to talk to and the conversation flowed, so they put me at ease. So if you want to find out more about the life of a cross stitch designer - and listen to us chat about other creative things - listen to the podcast :)

I don't know the date of when it airs, but I'll find out and post the date on here (and probably on my Instagram and Facebook pages).


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